Uniting Legacies: International Women’s Day

Uniting Legacies: Celebrating International Women’s Day with Richard St. Barbe Baker and Wangari Maathai

As the world prepares to honor International Women’s Day on March 8th, it’s imperative to recognize the impactful legacies of individuals who have dedicated their lives to environmental conservation and gender equality. Among these remarkable figures are Richard St. Barbe Baker and Wangari Maathai, whose work continues to inspire global movements towards afforestation and women’s empowerment.

Richard St. Barbe Baker, a pioneering environmentalist known as the “Man of the Trees,” devoted his life to combating desertification and promoting afforestation. In the 1950s, St. Barbe embarked on ambitious expeditions into the Sahara Desert, where he witnessed the devastating effects of deforestation and desert encroachment. Determined to reverse this ecological crisis, St. Barbe proposed the strategic planting of trees to reclaim barren lands and restore ecosystems.

St. Barbe’s vision resonates deeply with the work of Wangari Maathai, the founder of the Green Belt Movement and a Nobel Peace Prize laureate. Inspired by St. Barbe’s advocacy for afforestation, Maathai established the Green Belt Movement in 1977 with the mission of empowering women through tree planting initiatives. Recognizing the interconnections between environmental degradation and gender inequality, Maathai mobilized rural women in Kenya to plant indigenous trees, combatting deforestation while providing women with economic opportunities and environmental stewardship roles.

The parallel efforts of St. Barbe and Maathai highlight the interconnectedness between environmental conservation and women’s empowerment. Both visionaries understood that sustainable development requires addressing environmental challenges while promoting gender equity and social justice. Their legacies serve as a testament to the transformative power of grassroots movements in creating a more resilient and equitable world.

Today, their legacies converge in the Afforestation Areas, named in recognition of Richard St. Barbe Baker’s pioneering efforts in afforestation. These green spaces not only symbolize the importance of reforestation but also serve as living memorials to the enduring legacy of environmental stewardship and community engagement. As we celebrate International Women’s Day, let us honor the contributions of Richard St. Barbe Baker and Wangari Maathai, and continue their legacy of environmental conservation and women’s empowerment for generations to come.


  1. “Richard St. Barbe Baker: The Man of the Trees.” The Man of the Trees Foundation. Accessed March 6, 2024. https://www.manofthetrees.org/richard-st-barbe-baker.html
  2. Maathai, Wangari. “Unbowed: A Memoir.” Alfred A. Knopf, 2006.
  3. “Wangari Maathai – Biographical.” Nobelprize.org. Nobel Media AB 2022. Accessed March 6, 2024. https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/peace/2004/maathai/biographical/
  4. “Wangari Maathai: The Woman Who Planted Millions of Trees.” United Nations Environment Programme. March 6, 2018. https://www.unep.org/news-and-stories/story/wangari-maathai-woman-who-planted-millions-trees

For directions as to how to drive to “George Genereux” Urban Regional Park

For directions on how to drive to Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area

For more information:

Blairmore Sector Plan Report; planning for the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, George Genereux Urban Regional Park and West Swale and areas around them inside of Saskatoon city limits

NEW P4G District Official Community Plan

Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area is located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada north of Cedar Villa Road, within city limits, in the furthest south west area of the city. 52° 06′ 106° 45′


Part SE 23-36-6 – Afforestation Area – 241 Township Road 362-A

Part SE 23-36-6 – SW Off-Leash Recreation Area (Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area ) – 355 Township Road 362-A

S ½ 22-36-6 Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area (West of SW OLRA) – 467 Township Road 362-A

NE 21-36-6 “George Genereux” Afforestation Area – 133 Range Road 3063

Wikimapia Map: type in Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area

Google Maps South West Off Leash area location pin at parking lot

Web page: https://stbarbebaker.wordpress.com

Where is the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area? with map

Where is the George Genereux Urban Regional Park (Afforestation Area)?with map

Pinterest richardstbarbeb

Blogger: FriendsAfforestation

Tumblr friendsafforestation.tumblr.comFacebook Group Page: Users of the George Genereux Urban Regional Park

Facebook: StBarbeBaker Afforestation Area

Facebook for the non profit Charity Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc. FriendsAreas

Facebook group page : Users of the St Barbe Baker Afforestation Area

Facebook: South West OLRA

Reddit: FriendsAfforestation

Twitter: St Barbe Baker Charity Twitter:FriendsAreas

Mix: friendsareas


Please help protect / enhance your afforestation areas, please contact the Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc. (e-mail / e-transfers )

Donate your old vehicle, here’s how!  

Support using Canada Helps

Support via a recycling bottle donation

United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

““Be like a tree in pursuit of your cause. Stand firm, grip hard, thrust upward. Bend to the winds of heaven..”

Richard St. Barbe Baker

Indigenous Achievement Week 2024: Celebrating Métis, First Nations, and Inuit Successes

Indigenous Achievement Week 2024: Celebrating Métis, First Nations, and Inuit Successes at the University of Saskatchewan and SDG Week 2024

Indigenous Achievement Week (IAW) is an annual event at the University of Saskatchewan that celebrates the achievements and contributions of Métis, First Nations, and Inuit students, staff, faculty, and alumni. This year’s IAW is scheduled for March 4 to 8, 2024.

The week begins with a grounding circle to start things off in a good way, acknowledging the significance of traditional Indigenous practices and values. Throughout the week, there are various events and activities to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of Indigenous individuals within the university community.

One of the highlights of IAW is the Indigenous Student Achievement Awards Ceremony, which takes place on Wednesday, March 6, at Marquis Hall. The awards honor Indigenous students for their academic achievement, community engagement, leadership, research, and resiliency. It’s an opportunity to celebrate the hard work and dedication of these students and to inspire others to follow in their footsteps.

Additionally, there are opportunities for learning and growth during IAW. For example, individuals can sign up for the 2024 Level 1 Indigenous Awareness Training: The History of Indigenous Peoples in Saskatchewan, which will take place in Regina on April 3. This training provides valuable insights into the history and culture of Indigenous peoples in Saskatchewan, promoting understanding and reconciliation.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic has also introduced a new Indigenous Student Success Strategy (2024-29) called ‘Wichitowin ahci kaskihtamâsowin ati nikan,’ which means ‘helping each other with success for the future’ in Michif. This strategy aims to support the academic and personal success of Indigenous students at the institution, reflecting a commitment to inclusivity and diversity.

Take part in the Treaty Learning Journey Series: Contemporary Treaty Issues Developed by the Office of the Treaty Commissioner, join us for the fourth installment of the Treaty Learning Journey series Department of Agriculture March 7.

IAW is an important opportunity to recognize and celebrate the achievements of Indigenous individuals within the university community. It’s a chance to honor their contributions, promote understanding, and inspire future generations to strive for excellence.

For directions as to how to drive to “George Genereux” Urban Regional Park

For directions on how to drive to Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area

For more information:

Blairmore Sector Plan Report; planning for the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, George Genereux Urban Regional Park and West Swale and areas around them inside of Saskatoon city limits

NEW P4G District Official Community Plan

Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area is located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada north of Cedar Villa Road, within city limits, in the furthest south west area of the city. 52° 06′ 106° 45′


Part SE 23-36-6 – Afforestation Area – 241 Township Road 362-A

Part SE 23-36-6 – SW Off-Leash Recreation Area (Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area ) – 355 Township Road 362-A

S ½ 22-36-6 Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area (West of SW OLRA) – 467 Township Road 362-A

NE 21-36-6 “George Genereux” Afforestation Area – 133 Range Road 3063

Wikimapia Map: type in Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area

Google Maps South West Off Leash area location pin at parking lot

Web page: https://stbarbebaker.wordpress.com

Where is the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area? with map

Where is the George Genereux Urban Regional Park (Afforestation Area)?with map

Pinterest richardstbarbeb

Blogger: FriendsAfforestation

Tumblr friendsafforestation.tumblr.comFacebook Group Page: Users of the George Genereux Urban Regional Park

Facebook: StBarbeBaker Afforestation Area

Facebook for the non profit Charity Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc. FriendsAreas

Facebook group page : Users of the St Barbe Baker Afforestation Area

Facebook: South West OLRA

Reddit: FriendsAfforestation

Twitter: St Barbe Baker Charity Twitter:FriendsAreas

Mix: friendsareas


Please help protect / enhance your afforestation areas, please contact the Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc. (e-mail / e-transfers )

Donate your old vehicle, here’s how!  

Support using Canada Helps

Support via a recycling bottle donation

United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

““Be like a tree in pursuit of your cause. Stand firm, grip hard, thrust upward. Bend to the winds of heaven..”

Richard St. Barbe Baker

Celebrating Environmental Stewardship and Sustainable Practices

Black History Month: Celebrating Environmental Stewardship and Sustainable Practices

February is Black Histories and Futures Month, a time to reflect on the contributions of Black people to society. In Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and the surrounding area, this month provides an opportunity to explore the intersection of Black history with sustainability, the UN SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities, Life on Land, and climate action. The story of Richard St. Barbe Baker, known as the “Man of the Trees,” is an example of this intersectionality.

Photo of Richard St. Barbe Baker
Courtesy: University of Saskatchewan,
University Archives & Special Collections,
Richard St. Barbe Baker fonds, MG 71

Richard St. Barbe Baker, originally from England, was a pioneer in the field of forestry and environmental conservation. He dedicated his life to planting trees and advocating for sustainable land management practices. In the 1920s, he founded The Men of the Trees Foundation, now known as the International Tree Foundation. In this intersectionality there have been 100s of billions of trees worldwide.

In 1920, St. Barbe Baker traveled to Kenya, Africa, where he worked closely with Chief Josiah Njonjo to promote tree planting and sustainable land management practices. Together, they established hundreds of Forest Scouts, known as Watu wa miti, or “People of the Trees.” These Forest Scouts were responsible for planting and caring for trees in their communities, and they played a vital role in the reforestation efforts in Kenya.

The story of Richard St. Barbe Baker and the Forest Scouts of Kenya is a powerful example of how individuals and communities can come together to address environmental challenges and promote sustainability. It underscores the importance of diversity, inclusion, and collaboration in the fight against climate change and environmental degradation. As we celebrate Black Histories and Futures Month, let us remember the contributions of Black leaders like Richard St. Barbe Baker and Chief Josiah Njonjo and continue to work towards a more just and sustainable future for all.

For directions as to how to drive to “George Genereux” Urban Regional Park

For directions on how to drive to Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area

For more information:
Blairmore Sector Plan Report; planning for the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, George Genereux Urban Regional Park and West Swale and areas around them inside of Saskatoon city limits
NEW P4G District Official Community Plan
Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area is located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada north of Cedar Villa Road, within city limits, in the furthest south west area of the city. 52° 06′ 106° 45′
Part SE 23-36-6 – Afforestation Area – 241 Township Road 362-A
Part SE 23-36-6 – SW Off-Leash Recreation Area (Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area ) – 355 Township Road 362-A
S ½ 22-36-6 Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area (West of SW OLRA) – 467 Township Road 362-A
NE 21-36-6 “George Genereux” Afforestation Area – 133 Range Road 3063
Wikimapia Map: type in Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area
Google Maps South WFor more information:
Blairmore Sector Plan Report; planning for the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, George Genereux Urban Regional Park and West Swale and areas around them inside of Saskatoon city limits
NEW P4G District Official Community Plan
Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area is located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada north of Cedar Villa Road, within city limits, in the furthest south west area of the city. 52° 06′ 106° 45′
Part SE 23-36-6 – Afforestation Area – 241 Township Road 362-A
Part SE 23-36-6 – SW Off-Leash Recreation Area (Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area ) – 355 Township Road 362-A
S ½ 22-36-6 Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area (West of SW OLRA) – 467 Township Road 362-A
NE 21-36-6 “George Genereux” Afforestation Area – 133 Range Road 3063
Wikimapia Map: type in Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area
Google Maps South West Off Leash area location pin at parking lot
Web page: https://stbarbebaker.wordpress.com
Where is the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area? with map
Where is the George Genereux Urban Regional Park (Afforestation Area)?with map
Pinterest richardstbarbeb
Blogger: FriendsAfforestation
Tumblr friendsafforestation.tumblr.comFacebook Group Page: Users of the George Genereux Urban Regional Park
Facebook: StBarbeBaker Afforestation Area
Facebook for the non profit Charity Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc. FriendsAreas
Facebook group page : Users of the St Barbe Baker Afforestation Area
Facebook: South West OLRA
Reddit: FriendsAfforestation
Twitter: St Barbe Baker Charity Twitter:FriendsAreas
Mix: friendsareas
Please help protect / enhance your afforestation areas, please contact the Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc. (e-mail / e-transfers )Support the afforestation areas with your donation or membership ($20.00/year). Please donate by paypal or by using e-transfers Please and thank you! Your donation and membership is greatly appreciated. Members e-mail your contact information to be kept up to date!
Donations can be made through Paypal, Canada Helps, Contact Donate A Car Canada, SARCAN Drop & Go 106100594 for the Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc.
United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
Use the UN Decade’s Visual Identity
Make it your own
Spread the word about the UN Decade
Let’s Bring Back Forests
Let’s Green Our Cities
“Be like a tree in pursuit of your cause. Stand firm, grip hard, thrust upward. Bend to the winds of heaven..”
Richard St. Barbe Baker!For more information:
Blairmore Sector Plan Report; planning for the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, George Genereux Urban Regional Park and West Swale and areas around them inside of Saskatoon city limits
NEW P4G District Official Community Plan
Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area is located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada north of Cedar Villa Road, within city limits, in the furthest south west area of the city. 52° 06′ 106° 45′
Part SE 23-36-6 – Afforestation Area – 241 Township Road 362-A
Part SE 23-36-6 – SW Off-Leash Recreation Area (Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area ) – 355 Township Road 362-A
S ½ 22-36-6 Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area (West of SW OLRA) – 467 Township Road 362-A
NE 21-36-6 “George Genereux” Afforestation Area – 133 Range Road 3063
Wikimapia Map: type in Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area
Google Maps This greenspace is located in the South West area of Saskatoon

Black Histories and Futures Month

Elevating Black Voices in Saskatoon: The Intersection of Black History and Climate Action

February is Black Histories and Futures Month, a time to celebrate and reflect on the contributions of Black people to society. In Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and the surrounding area, this month presents an opportunity to explore the intersection of Black history with sustainability, the UN SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities, Life on Land, and climate action.

Black voices and leaders within the climate movement have been speaking out about environmental racism and the disproportionate impacts of climate change and environmental degradation on Black and equity-deserving communities. Saskatoon, with its diverse population, is no exception. Organizations like Black Lives Matter YXE are advocating for environmental justice and addressing the impacts of climate change on Black communities.

Black entrepreneurs and innovators have also been pioneers in developing solutions to combat climate change and promote greater equity and resilience. In Saskatoon, there are many Black-owned businesses and organizations that are working towards sustainability and climate action. For example, Black-owned urban farms are addressing food insecurity and promoting sustainable agriculture practices.

Saskatoon’s Black Histories and Futures Month is an opportunity to learn about and celebrate the contributions of Black people to sustainability and climate action. By recognizing the intersectionality of these issues, we can work towards a more just and equitable future for all.


Resources for Black History Month

Black Lives Matter YXE [Online]. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://blacklivesmattersaskatoon.com/

United Nations. (n.d.). Reduced Inequalities. Retrieved from https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal10

United Nations. (n.d.). Life on Land. Retrieved from https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal15

United Nations. (n.d.). Climate Action. Retrieved from https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal13

For directions as to how to drive to “George Genereux” Urban Regional Park

For directions on how to drive to Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area

For more information:
Blairmore Sector Plan Report; planning for the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, George Genereux Urban Regional Park and West Swale and areas around them inside of Saskatoon city limits
NEW P4G District Official Community Plan
Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area is located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada north of Cedar Villa Road, within city limits, in the furthest south west area of the city. 52° 06′ 106° 45′
Part SE 23-36-6 – Afforestation Area – 241 Township Road 362-A
Part SE 23-36-6 – SW Off-Leash Recreation Area (Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area ) – 355 Township Road 362-A
S ½ 22-36-6 Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area (West of SW OLRA) – 467 Township Road 362-A
NE 21-36-6 “George Genereux” Afforestation Area – 133 Range Road 3063
Wikimapia Map: type in Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area
Google Maps South WFor more information:
Blairmore Sector Plan Report; planning for the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, George Genereux Urban Regional Park and West Swale and areas around them inside of Saskatoon city limits
NEW P4G District Official Community Plan
Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area is located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada north of Cedar Villa Road, within city limits, in the furthest south west area of the city. 52° 06′ 106° 45′
Part SE 23-36-6 – Afforestation Area – 241 Township Road 362-A
Part SE 23-36-6 – SW Off-Leash Recreation Area (Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area ) – 355 Township Road 362-A
S ½ 22-36-6 Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area (West of SW OLRA) – 467 Township Road 362-A
NE 21-36-6 “George Genereux” Afforestation Area – 133 Range Road 3063
Wikimapia Map: type in Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area
Google Maps South West Off Leash area location pin at parking lot
Web page: https://stbarbebaker.wordpress.com
Where is the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area? with map
Where is the George Genereux Urban Regional Park (Afforestation Area)?with map
Pinterest richardstbarbeb
Blogger: FriendsAfforestation
Tumblr friendsafforestation.tumblr.comFacebook Group Page: Users of the George Genereux Urban Regional Park
Facebook: StBarbeBaker Afforestation Area
Facebook for the non profit Charity Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc. FriendsAreas
Facebook group page : Users of the St Barbe Baker Afforestation Area
Facebook: South West OLRA
Reddit: FriendsAfforestation
Twitter: St Barbe Baker Charity Twitter:FriendsAreas
Mix: friendsareas
Please help protect / enhance your afforestation areas, please contact the Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc. (e-mail / e-transfers )Support the afforestation areas with your donation or membership ($20.00/year). Please donate by paypal or by using e-transfers Please and thank you! Your donation and membership is greatly appreciated. Members e-mail your contact information to be kept up to date!
Donations can be made through Paypal, Canada Helps, Contact Donate A Car Canada, SARCAN Drop & Go 106100594 for the Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc.
United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
Use the UN Decade’s Visual Identity
Make it your own
Spread the word about the UN Decade
Let’s Bring Back Forests
Let’s Green Our Cities
“Be like a tree in pursuit of your cause. Stand firm, grip hard, thrust upward. Bend to the winds of heaven..”
Richard St. Barbe Baker!For more information:
Blairmore Sector Plan Report; planning for the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, George Genereux Urban Regional Park and West Swale and areas around them inside of Saskatoon city limits
NEW P4G District Official Community Plan
Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area is located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada north of Cedar Villa Road, within city limits, in the furthest south west area of the city. 52° 06′ 106° 45′
Part SE 23-36-6 – Afforestation Area – 241 Township Road 362-A
Part SE 23-36-6 – SW Off-Leash Recreation Area (Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area ) – 355 Township Road 362-A
S ½ 22-36-6 Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area (West of SW OLRA) – 467 Township Road 362-A
NE 21-36-6 “George Genereux” Afforestation Area – 133 Range Road 3063
Wikimapia Map: type in Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area
Google Maps This greenspace is located in the South West area of Saskatoon

Unearthing Hidden Legacies: A Journey into Invisible Histories Historic Places Days!

Are you ready to embark on a journey of discovery and inspiration? Historic Places Days in Saskatoon are just around the corner, offering you a unique opportunity to explore the city’s best-kept secrets, also known as Saskatoon’s hidden gems. Among these treasures are two remarkable afforestation tours that will not only ignite your curiosity but also leave you with a renewed appreciation for our environment and the incredible individuals who have shaped it.

The first tour, “Unearthing Hidden Legacies: A Journey into Invisible Histories,” promises an evening of captivating exploration. On Sunday, July 23, 2023, at 6:30 pm, join fellow enthusiasts at the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, located at 241 Township Road 362, Grasswood, SK. This event is a testament to the visionary conservationist Richard St. Barbe Baker, who dedicated his life to preserving our natural heritage. YouTube

Immerse yourself in interactive exhibits and engaging presentations that shed light on the invisible histories that have been overlooked for far too long. Learn about the contributions of unsung heroes, the struggles of marginalized communities, and gain a deeper understanding of the world we inhabit. This year marks the Jubilee anniversary of the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, celebrating 50 years since its afforestation in 1973. It’s a chance to pay homage to an environmental legend and embrace a sustainable future.

Whether you have an interest in history, social justice, or simply a thirst for knowledge, this event is for you. Unearth hidden legacies and expand your understanding of the world around us. As you stroll through the afforestation area, surrounded by the serene beauty of nature, let the stories of the past inspire you to make a positive impact on the present and future.

But the journey doesn’t end there! The following day, on Monday, July 24, 2023, you have the opportunity to embark on another enthralling adventure at the George Genereux Urban Regional Park. Located at Range Road 3063, Saskatoon, SK, this 148-acre afforestation area holds tales of triumph and history that will captivate your imagination.

“Unveiling Legends: George Genereux Urban Regional Park – A Journey through Time and Triumph” invites you to uncover the invisible histories that have shaped this remarkable greenspace. Dive into the enduring legacy of Dr. George Genereux, an accomplished athlete and Olympic gold medalist. Within the lush expanse of mixed woods, you’ll discover the profound connection between environmental education, preservation, and the captivating story of this Canadian legend. YouTube

As we celebrate the Jubilee anniversary of George Genereux Urban Regional Park, which was afforested in 1973, let’s pay homage to the extraordinary achievements of a man whose name graces this magnificent greenspace. George Genereux, the only Canadian to secure a gold medal at the 1952 Helsinki Olympiad, left an indelible mark not only in the world of sports but also in the pursuit of Olympic values throughout his life.

During Historic Places Days, immerse yourself in the rich heritage of George Genereux Urban Regional Park. Reflect on the purpose of your visit through our newly developed guide to rethinking historic places. Engage in dialogue to amplify diverse voices and gain a deeper appreciation for the land’s history and significance.

Together, as we unveil legends and embrace the stories that have shaped Saskatoon, we create a brighter future for generations to come. These afforestation tours are not merely a stroll through the woods; they are an invitation to connect with our environment, to honor the past, and to inspire sustainable actions.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to explore.

Historic Places Days!

Historic Places Days Contest!!!
What would you do with $1000, a Parks Canada pass or a VIA Rail travel voucher?
Contest runs July 8 – 23, 2023

For directions as to how to drive to “George Genereux” Urban Regional Park
For directions on how to drive to Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area
For more information:
Blairmore Sector Plan Report; planning for the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, George Genereux Urban Regional Park and West Swale and areas around them inside of Saskatoon city limits
NEW P4G District Official Community Plan
Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area is located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada north of Cedar Villa Road, within city limits, in the furthest south west area of the city. 52° 06′ 106° 45′
Part SE 23-36-6 – Afforestation Area – 241 Township Road 362-A
Part SE 23-36-6 – SW Off-Leash Recreation Area (Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area ) – 355 Township Road 362-A
S ½ 22-36-6 Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area (West of SW OLRA) – 467 Township Road 362-A
NE 21-36-6 “George Genereux” Afforestation Area – 133 Range Road 3063
Wikimapia Map: type in Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area
Google Maps South West Off Leash area location pin at parking lot
Web page: https://stbarbebaker.wordpress.com
Where is the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area? with map
Where is the George Genereux Urban Regional Park (Afforestation Area)?with map
Pinterest richardstbarbeb
Blogger: FriendsAfforestation
Tumblr friendsafforestation.tumblr.comFacebook Group Page: Users of the George Genereux Urban Regional Park
Facebook: StBarbeBaker Afforestation Area
Facebook for the non profit Charity Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc. FriendsAreas
Facebook group page : Users of the St Barbe Baker Afforestation Area
Facebook: South West OLRA
Reddit: FriendsAfforestation
Twitter: St Barbe Baker Charity Twitter:FriendsAreas
Mix: friendsareas
Please help protect / enhance your afforestation areas, please contact the Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc. (e-mail / e-transfers )Support the afforestation areas with your donation or membership ($20.00/year). Please donate by paypal or by using e-transfers Please and thank you! Your donation and membership is greatly appreciated. Members e-mail your contact information to be kept up to date!
Donations can be made through Paypal, Canada Helps, Contact Donate A Car Canada, SARCAN Drop & Go 106100594 for the Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc.
United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
Use the UN Decade’s Visual Identity
Make it your own
Spread the word about the UN Decade
Let’s Bring Back Forests
Let’s Green Our Cities
“Be like a tree in pursuit of your cause. Stand firm, grip hard, thrust upward. Bend to the winds of heaven..”
Richard St. Barbe Baker