A Symphony of Songbirds: Audubon Day Launches City Nature Challenge

Spring is in the air, and on April 26, 2024, nature enthusiasts and bird lovers alike will have their binoculars and smartphones ready for Audubon Day – a celebration that spreads the wings of opportunity to enjoy the beauty of birds and wildlife. This year, Audubon Day coincides with the kick-off of the 2024 City Nature Challenge, a four-day blitz to discover the diverse wildlife that calls the City of Saskatoon home by using the iNaturalist app on your smartphone.

City Nature Challenge CNCYXE Saskatoon area versus YQRCNC Regina and area in a mini SK challenge
City Nature Challenge CNCYXE Saskatoon area

Named after the renowned National Audubon Society, dedicated to protecting birds and their habitats, Audubon Day pays homage to John James Audubon, a French-American self-trained artist, naturalist, and ornithologist born on April 26, 1785. Audubon’s passion for art and ornithology culminated in his monumental work, “The Birds of America,” a color-plate book that remains one of the finest ornithological masterpieces ever created.

Audubon’s detailed illustrations showcased American birds in their natural habitats, and his extensive studies led to the identification of 25 new species. His legacy lives on in the National Audubon Society and in the scientific community, where dozens of species bear his name.

City Nature Challenge CNCYXE Saskatoon area versus YQRCNC Regina and area in a mini SK challenge

As we celebrate Audubon Day, let’s heed Audubon’s words: “The nature of the place—whether high or low, moist or dry, whether sloping north or south, or bearing tall trees or low shrubs—generally gives hint as to its inhabitants.” This April 26, let the hints lead you to the City Nature Challenge, where you can immerse yourself in the wonders of nature, birds, and wildlife across Saskatoon.

Encourage everyone to grab their binoculars, join the City Nature Challenge, and discover the hidden treasures of our city’s natural spaces. Whether you’re a seasoned birder or a curious beginner, Audubon Day is the perfect occasion to connect with the great outdoors and contribute to the collective effort of documenting Saskatoon’s biodiversity.

City Nature Challenge CNCYXE

In the spirit of Audubon’s legacy, let’s make this Audubon Day and City Nature Challenge a soaring success, embracing the joy of discovery and the marvels of our feathered friends and all our urban wildlife around us.

“Embrace the Flight of Discovery: Audubon Day and the City Nature Challenge Await!”

The City Nature Challenge unfolds in two stages:

April 26 – April 29, 2024: Anywhere in Saskatoon and Area Record Sounds, Snap pictures of wild plants, insects, birds, mushrooms and animals or signs of life which represent things that were once living or represent something that is living, like roadkill, scat, owl pellets, animal and bird tracks, snakeskins, bones, feathers, seashells and skeletons. Check out the four scheduled events, or start your own event 😉

April 30 – May 5, 2024: Identify the discovered species.

Results will be unveiled on Monday, May 6, 2024.

What is it? a YouTube Video

With thanks to our sponsors and supporters SaskPower, SaskTel, Saskatoon Nature Society, Wild About Saskatoon, Varsity View Community Association, Rosewood Varsity View Community Association, Nutana Varsity View Community Association, Montgomery Place Varsity View Community Association. City Nature Challenge Saskatoon CNC YXE 2024 led by Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas.

For directions as to how to drive to “George Genereux” Urban Regional Park

For directions on how to drive to Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area

For more information:

Blairmore Sector Plan Report; planning for the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, George Genereux Urban Regional Park and West Swale and areas around them inside of Saskatoon city limits

NEW P4G District Official Community Plan

Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area is located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada north of Cedar Villa Road, within city limits, in the furthest south west area of the city. 52° 06′ 106° 45′


Part SE 23-36-6 – Afforestation Area – 241 Township Road 362-A

Part SE 23-36-6 – SW Off-Leash Recreation Area (Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area ) – 355 Township Road 362-A

S ½ 22-36-6 Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area (West of SW OLRA) – 467 Township Road 362-A

NE 21-36-6 “George Genereux” Afforestation Area – 133 Range Road 3063

Wikimapia Map: type in Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area

Google Maps South West Off Leash area location pin at parking lot

Web page: https://stbarbebaker.wordpress.com

Where is the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area? with map

Where is the George Genereux Urban Regional Park (Afforestation Area)?with map

Pinterest richardstbarbeb

Blogger: FriendsAfforestation

Tumblr friendsafforestation.tumblr.comFacebook Group Page: Users of the George Genereux Urban Regional Park

Facebook: StBarbeBaker Afforestation Area

Facebook for the non profit Charity Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc. FriendsAreas

Facebook group page : Users of the St Barbe Baker Afforestation Area

Facebook: South West OLRA

Reddit: FriendsAfforestation

Twitter: St Barbe Baker Charity Twitter:FriendsAreas

Mix: friendsareas


Please help protect / enhance your afforestation areas, please contact the Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc. (e-mail / e-transfers )

Donate your old vehicle, here’s how!  

Support using Canada Helps

Support via a recycling bottle donation

United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

““Be like a tree in pursuit of your cause. Stand firm, grip hard, thrust upward. Bend to the winds of heaven..”

Richard St. Barbe Baker