West Swale Wetlands: Nature’s Canvas on World Wetlands Day

In the depths of nature’s embrace, Where wetlands shimmer with grace, Lies a haven of life untamed, Where water’s essence is proclaimed. World Wetlands Day; Wetlands and Human Well-being celebrate February 2 and all year round!

Cherished Wetlands, Global Treasures.

Yellow-headed Blackbird (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus) This is the brightly colored male. The female of the species will use the cattails, reeds or rushes standing above the surface of the water to weave a nest, and lay 2-5 eggs.
Yellow-headed Blackbird (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus) This is the brightly colored male. The female of the species will use the cattails, reeds or rushes standing above the surface of the water to weave a nest, and lay 2-5 eggs.

Richard St. Barbe Baker’s vision grand, A forested legacy upon this land, In the heart of the prairie’s embrace, A sanctuary for all life to embrace.

Within the West Swale’s gentle sway, A tapestry woven in Pleistocene’s day, Man-made forests, a testament rare, To the magic of nature’s care.

On World Water Monitoring Day, Let’s gather in this sacred way, And celebrate the wetland’s might, Guided by knowledge, love, and light.

Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, West Swale Wetlands. Chappell Marsh. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Chappell Marsh. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Cherish Wetlands, Conserve Life.

Here, let us engage, together we thrive, Seven activities, our souls will revive:

  1. Wetland exploration, a journey to embark, Discovering the wonders, from dawn till dark.
  2. Water quality monitoring, a scientific quest, To ensure the wetlands are at their best, Testing and analyzing, hands-on and true, Preserving water, a vital value.
  3. Restoration projects, where hands unite, To heal the wetlands, restore their light, Removing invasives, planting anew, Creating havens where life can renew.
  4. Wetlands and wonders, Guiding hearts and minds, imparting a start, With visuals and stories, we shall see, The magic and wonder of wetlands’ decree.
  5. Citizen science, a community’s pride, Joining forces, side by side, Collecting data, sharing insights, Contributing to knowledge’s great heights.
  6. Photography wonders, a visual delight, Capturing wetland’s beauty, a captivating sight, Through lenses and frames, we shall tell, The story of water’s magic spell.
  7. Community engagement, voices in chorus, Advocating for wetlands, a united force, Forums and discussions, knowledge we share, To protect these treasures, with love and care.

So let us honor World Water’s Day, In Richard St. Barbe Baker’s array, In these naturalized green spaces, we find, A deep respect for water, forever enshrined.

In the West Swale’s embrace, we stand, Guardians of wetlands, hand in hand, For Chappell Marsh and the West Swale’s might, Let’s cherish them always, with all our might.

Canada Geese West Swale Wetlands. Chappell Marsh. Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, Saskatoon, SK, CA

Wetlands Wisdom: Sustaining Life, Securing Future

For more information:
Blairmore Sector Plan Report; planning for the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area, George Genereux Urban Regional Park and West Swale and areas around them inside of Saskatoon city limits
NEW P4G District Official Community Plan
Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area is located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada north of Cedar Villa Road, within city limits, in the furthest south west area of the city. 52° 06′ 106° 45′
Part SE 23-36-6 – Afforestation Area – 241 Township Road 362-A
Part SE 23-36-6 – SW Off-Leash Recreation Area (Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area ) – 355 Township Road 362-A
S ½ 22-36-6 Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area (West of SW OLRA) – 467 Township Road 362-A
NE 21-36-6 “George Genereux” Afforestation Area – 133 Range Road 3063
Wikimapia Map: type in Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area
Google Maps South West Off Leash area location pin at parking lot
Web page: https://stbarbebaker.wordpress.com
Where is the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area? with map
Where is the George Genereux Urban Regional Park (Afforestation Area)?with map
Pinterest richardstbarbeb
Blogger: FriendsAfforestation
Tumblr friendsafforestation.tumblr.comFacebook Group Page: Users of the George Genereux Urban Regional Park
Facebook: StBarbeBaker Afforestation Area
Facebook for the non profit Charity Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc. FriendsAreas
Facebook group page : Users of the St Barbe Baker Afforestation Area
Facebook: South West OLRA
Reddit: FriendsAfforestation
Twitter: St Barbe Baker Charity Twitter:FriendsAreas
Mix: friendsareas
Please help protect / enhance your afforestation areas, please contact the Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc. (e-mail / e-transfers )Support the afforestation areas with your donation or membership ($20.00/year). Please donate by paypal or by using e-transfers Please and thank you! Your donation and membership is greatly appreciated. Members e-mail your contact information to be kept up to date!
Donations can be made through Paypal, Canada Helps, Contact Donate A Car Canada, SARCAN Drop & Go 106100594 for the Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas Inc.
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“Be like a tree in pursuit of your cause. Stand firm, grip hard, thrust upward. Bend to the winds of heaven..”
Richard St. Barbe Baker!

Author: stbarbebaker

This website is about the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area - an urban regional park of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. The hosts are the stewards of the afforestation area. The afforestation area received its name in honour of the great humanitarian, Richard St. Barbe Baker. Richard St. Barbe Baker (9 October 1889 – 9 June 1982) was an English forester, environmental activist and author, who contributed greatly to worldwide reforestation efforts. As a leader, he founded an organization, Men of the Trees, still active today, whose many chapters carry out reforestation internationally. {Wikipedia} Email is StBarbeBaker AT yahoo.com to reach the Stewards of the Richard St. Barbe Baker Afforestation Area

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